Your Leister equipment is more than just an investment. It's also a lifeline for your commercial roofing company. If your heat gun or robot isn't working, you can't work. And if you can't work, you're not getting paid. Plus, your projects might fall behind schedule, which could lead to unnecessary expenses and, ultimately, unhappy customers. You can avoid most of this stress by taking good care of your Leister equipment. And we can help. Roofers Mart is an authorized Leister sales and service center, and our in-house Leister technician, Adam Cummings, is one of the best in the region. Here are his six tips to help you properly maintain your equipment:
Protect your machine from the elements. Like most electronics, Leister equipment should be stored in a dry environment. Better yet, keep it in a box when it's not in use.
Clean your welding machine's nozzle after use, but make sure you're not putting pressure on the lock pin.
Strive to get your equipment serviced every four months. Adam will open it up and blow out all the dust, change your belts, oil up your bearings, and do everything needed to keep it running smoothly.
Use a proper rated generator. To determine the minimum rating, double the wattage of the machine you are using.
Don't try to repair your equipment yourself. Leister repairs can be complicated, and without the proper experience, you could make the problem worse.
Take advantage of Roofers Mart's February Leister Special. Every winter, Roofers Mart offers the same special to thank our loyal Leister users as well as encourage newcomers to invest in a Leister machine. The deal runs for the entire month of February and includes:
- 10% off List Price of Leister Hand Tools and Robots
- Free Labor for Equipment Tune-Ups (just pay for the parts)

Roofers Mart is an authorized partner of Leister Technologies. We sell many Leister products, and our in-house Leister technician, Adam Cummings, services and repairs Leister heat guns and robots, often with next-day turnaround. Our service center is located inside our St. Louis store. Customers outside of St. Louis can take their equipment to their local Roofers Mart, and we'll ship it to and from our service center for free via our route truck. Average turnaround for those using the route truck is three to seven days. For more information, call Roofers Mart at 314-968-9366.